Letter From The Founders

As our family returned from eight years overseas, we were curious to see how our ten year old son, Leo, would integrate after his time abroad. We saw a spark in him to engage and join the community that soon became the north star of our family settling in. 

After Leo’s passing, the community outpoured in love and support. We began to learn stories about our son’s character. These stories were exponential in its power of impact on the community. Kindness, compassion, and inclusion no matter another child’s background, special needs, or age, Leo reached out his hand. 

Many parents talked about Leo possessing rare and unique qualities that inspired and broadened each friend he touched. We knew these qualities came from living and schooling abroad, rich experiences in culture, language, traditions, foods, learning styles. And simply being around children who were in the same position of no judgement, vulnerability, and desire to be connected in a foreign land. All of those attributes are the derivative of a global citizen, someone who possesses no boundaries and unconditional connection.

Our foundation is intended to harness these rich global experiences and bring them to students who do not have such access. We believe through opening societal borders and bringing the best of educational programs from around the globe, we can raise awareness to the underexposed and in turn breed a more connected world.

In a current time where barriers to entry remain high and emotional health is an increasing priority, we wish to bring positivity and connectedness to young minds. To prepare students for a future where compassion and kindness may become the last living resource.

With Sincerity, 

Michael & Dinasha Cellura

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