Friends of Leo

Inspiring Adventure and Courage in Lafayette's Youth

At the Live Like Leo Foundation, we believe in fostering the spirit of adventure, courage, and curiosity in young hearts. Every child has a dream, whether mastering the piano or riding the ocean waves. We aim to turn these dreams into reality through monthly grants. These grants help kids explore new horizons and develop passions that enrich their lives and the community.

About the Grants

Each month, we award grants to local children who show a desire to live adventurously and learn courageously. Whether it's taking piano lessons, learning to surf, or any other pursuit that sparks their curiosity, we're here to support their journey. Our grants are more than just financial support; they are investments in the potential of our community's youth.

Why Participate?

Winning a Live Like Leo grant is about more than just money—it's about gaining the confidence to step out of your comfort zone, learn new skills, and embrace the qualities of adventurousness, courage, and curiosity. It's about living like Leo—our foundation's inspiration—who believed in seizing every moment with enthusiasm and a bold spirit.

How to Apply

Are you ready to chase your dreams? Here's how you can apply for a Live Like Leo grant:

  1. Eligibility: Open to all children in Lafayette, ages 5-18.

  2. Write Your Essay: Tell us in 500 words or less what winning a grant would mean to you. Describe your chosen activity, why it interests you, and how this grant will help you pursue your adventure.

  3. Submit Your Application: Fill out the entry form with your personal details and your essay. Make sure to get your entries in before the monthly deadline.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We invite you, the Lafayette community, to get involved. Whether you're a parent of an aspiring adventurer or a local business interested in supporting our cause, your engagement is crucial. Together, we can provide the youth of Lafayette with opportunities to grow, explore, and dream big.

Apply Now