Giving My Life More Purpose

Traveling abroad has done many things for me, It's afforded me to the opportunity to learn about different cultures, perspectives, and ways of life. Returning home with this knowledge gave me new perspective and appreciation for the opportunities and advantages that have been provided to me such as simple human liberties like political and social freedom and access to education, to things like healthcare, food and shelter.

When I do things now in my everyday life I think of the things that I've seen while abroad in Asia, Europe and South America and the effects they've had on different civilizations and often remind myself and my daughter to appreciate the opportunities we have here. I've also had experiences abroad that have shown me the types of changes in my life that would lead me to create positive transformations for myself and others including giving back to communities in need.

So if someone were to ask me what has traveling abroad done for my life, I'd say its not only given me the type of perspective that I would never have gained had I not studied and traveled abroad, but it has also given my life more purpose.

- Kerry, Team LLL


Making This World The Place We Hope It Can Be


Deserving of Empathy