Living Abroad Is Certainly Life Changing

They say that living abroad is life changing and before experiencing it myself - I will admit that I was a bit skeptical. However, after spending four months in Hong Kong this fall I will confidently say that living abroad is certainly life changing.

It is a huge step out of your comfort zone - bigger than going to a new state for college (which is something I had experienced). The life changing element is broadening your experience. Whether that be through physical experiences, culinary delights or speaking with individuals from other backgrounds. In Hong Kong, I was lucky enough to have all of these experiences and very frequently.

Firstly, I visited temples, hiked mountains and camped on the beach in places that did not resemble the places I have traveled or lived in prior. Next I tried anything I could order that seemed new and unconventional to my American pallet. From roast goose to choy sum to pineapple buns or fish balls - with each bite I gleaned more of Hong Kong's culture.

Lastly, I talked to people from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, Thailand and Burma. At the same time I talked to people from all over Europe as well as people from different states within the US. Each individual conversation enlightened me with a new way of thinking or a perspective that I would not have considered on my own.

I hope that reading this is a sign to take the next step to assemble plans for a travel experience of your own. There is so much to learn from the world around us. Taking the leap is scary but the upside of having a new experience in another country is truly priceless.

Samantha Bell


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