“Lights are out but we are eternally lit!”

“For us, we learned that leadership is not a one-way street. In order to be a great leader, you must come to realize that it’s not about having full control over situations but adapting to your circumstances and the environment around you. Being each other’s co-leaders, we are forever thankful for one another as we had someone to reassure us, back us up, and lean on throughout the day. For the last two days, we have had nightly dance parties on our balcony, a little something we call “Bailamos.” To see everyone, and we mean everyone, dance even if they think they can’t, boogie on the dance floor was truly the most inspiring moment. No one worried if they looked weird, or stiff, or even if they stepped on someone’s toes. For many, we lived in that moment, enjoying the shared experience of our last night without any cares in the world.

Many of us today became vulnerable. Many today showed compassion. We saw the boys cry. We saw the shy people cry. We heard the loud people bawling their eyes out. And of course, our leaders cried too. To us, that really embodied courage, commitment, compassion, and camaraderie. Courage to be vulnerable, to cry, and show strength in your tears. Commitment, to being here and experiencing shared experiences all while being present. Compassion, because to fully love and care for 20 other human beings is great compassion. Camaraderie, because when one cries we all cry. We laugh and cry at the same time, and we embrace one another all while doing it.”

- Excerpt taken from a nightly blog entry by Lani & Rai, 2022 Live Like Leo Foundation Delegation

Original text: https://globalglimpse.org/lights-out-but-we-are-eternally-lit/78256


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