Find Inspiration Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Living in Tokyo, Japan crafted who I am as a woman, a mother and as an American. Spending almost a decade abroad was an invaluable experience that developed life long friendships as well perspective surrounding the importance of understanding cultures on a global level. 

Upon arriving in Tokyo in 2010, my husband and I were in our early 20’s, bright eyed and ready for adventure. We found ourselves navigating life outside of our comfort zone and doing our best to quickly assimilate to the Japanese culture. We learned the language, the etiquette, even celebrated the national holidays. We never thought we would spend so many of our impressionable years outside of our home country, but we are forever grateful for the experience and exposure to living in a country rich in customs and culture. 

Eventually our comfort zone resided in the same country that was a stranger in the past. I embarked on motherhood, giving birth to my two oldest children in a Japanese hospital. Our new normal was shared with friends from all over the world and together we relished in the arts, cuisine and innovations of Japan. 

As a mother, I hope my children persist to find inspiration outside of their comfort zone. We continue to teach them the importance of learning new languages, exposing them to the arts abroad and to #livelikeleo.

- Chanyn


Global Experiences Are Treasures Buried Deep


Making This World The Place We Hope It Can Be